Pros and Cons of Moving to Victorville, CA

Welcome to Victorville California.
Known for being located off the famous Route 66, this beautiful town deserves its star on Hollywood Boulevard considering how many films have been made near it.
But don’t let the allure fool you.
It’s quite possible that if you move to this city, your life will become a sad drama.
So if you want to know once and for all if Victorville is right for you, stick around while I cover the pros and cons of living in this city.
Let’s get started!
Con #3, Poor public schools
Do you value education?
Because Victorville doesn’t. And the evidence of this is just how low its public school system has been graded.
It recently received a C on its public school performance. Which means the school system isn’t the worst in the world, but it’s woefully average.
So if you don’t want little Timmy to still struggle with his multiplication tables in high school, I’d think long and hard about moving to Victorville.
On the bright side, if you’re very careful about what neighborhood you move to, you can still access good schools in the area.
For example, Laverne Elementary, Heritage, and University Preparatory all have A ratings. So if you want your child to be the next Jimmy Neutron, do whatever you can to get into those school districts.
Con #2, Unemployment
I hate to tell you this.
But trying to find a job in Victorville is like trying to find evidence of BigFoot…and no, that grainy video footage doesn’t count.
Unemployment here is at 12%, which is double the national average.
But look on the bright side, being unemployed and staying at home at least gives you the option to homeschool your kid. Because anything is better than Victorville’s school system.
Obviously, I joke. But the silver lining to this situation is that the unemployment trend seems to be improving.
However, I still recommend locking down a job before making the big move.
Con #1, Weather
Normally California boasts beautiful weather that approaches near-perfect levels.
Yea. That’s not the case in Victorville.
Victorville is located in the high desert. And with deserts, that’s a guarantee of intense heat.
It gets so hot here in the summer that I’m pretty sure Victorville is where they make global warming.
Temperatures routinely get above 100 degrees. Leaving residents with a constant sensation of being cremated.
But we’re not done.
Another thing I should mention is the wind. Residents are frequently hit with 20-30 miles per hour gusts of wind that seemingly come out of nowhere.
So when I say Victorville may blow you away, I don’t mean it in a good way.
But there is something that can blow you away in a positive sense.
And that’s
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Ok, now let’s check out some pros of living in Victorville.
Pro #3, Affordable
For a city located in California, Victorville is surprisingly affordable.
The cost of living here is only 8% higher than the national average. Which means you’ll be able to enjoy those California perks without paying the super high price tag.
And these savings even extend to Victorville housing costs.
The median home price in this city is around $333,000.
And when you consider that it’s close to pricey cities such as Rancho Cucamonga, it makes living in Victorville seem like a steal.
But this benefit is even more surprising when you consider this next pro.
Pro #2, Close to Vegas
Did you know that Victorville is only 90 minutes away from Las Vegas?
That’s right. When you live in this city, you’ll only be a short drive away from financial ruin!
Everyone who’s been to Vegas can attest to how fun it is. Which means that when living in Victorville, it is literally impossible to be bored.
And it makes for a great way to distract yourself from that awful heat. But if Vegas isn’t really your thing, don’t worry. This next pro is sure to tickle your fancy.
Pro #1, Close to fun activities
It’s hard to top Vegas on the fun meter.
And yet, Victorville squeezes out a victory when you consider how close it is to these other solutions to boredom.
The city is within a 90-minute drive of many other outdoor activities.
If you find yourself wanting to cool off and enjoy the slopes, you’ll be within 90 minutes of the famous Bear mountain. And while there, you’ll have a blast enjoying all types of winter sports.
However, if you’re looking for the complete opposite experience, you’ll also be 90 minutes away from the beach. Where you can go surfing, swimming, or just enjoy relaxing on the sand with a good book.
Honestly, you can’t really beat Victorville’s location. And it’s one of the main reasons why this city is definitely worth the consideration of making it your new home.