Top 10 Reasons to Move to Seattle, WA

Hey everyone.
Sorry, I’m a little shaken up. Was just watching “Grey’s Anatomy” and that Meredith is something else.
Funny thing about that show. It takes place in Seattle. And the beautiful city will be the topic of today’s article.
So if you’re thinking of making the move, keep watching. Because I’m about to share with you the top 10 reasons to move to Seattle Washington.
But first I need a tissue.
Reason 10, Rain
We’ll start this list off differently by talking about a big myth surrounding Seattle.
And that is about how much rain it gets.
You see, many people think it rains all the time in Seattle. And as such, making the move to this city isn’t in your best interest.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
The city gets around 150 days of sunshine per year. And just to put that in context, that’s actually more sunshine than cities such as Chicago, New York and Boston.
I actually think this rumor was started by Seattle natives to keep the awesomeness of this city a secret.
Well played.
Reason 9, Weather
To follow my last point, Seattle actually has better weather than you might expect.
Take Seattle’s summers for instance.
The temperature normally tops out at around 75 degrees. And that’s with very low humidity. So instead of having one of those summers that makes you curse out the Carvana gods for having leather seats, you’ll actually enjoy yourself.
And this ideal weather makes experiencing the reason I’m about to share even better.
Reason 8, Plenty of parks
Seattle has a ton of green spaces.
But locals tend to pay special attention to the parks.
And people who love to go outside, enjoy the weather, and play frisbee with their fur baby will absolutely adore this Seattle feature.
A couple of noteworthy parks to visit are Kerry park, volunteer park, Green lake park.
If you’re single, this might even be the ideal place to meet that special someone and have that ideal love story.
But hopefully not a love story like on Grey’s Anatomy because those relationships never work out.
Reason 7, Meet new people
Did you know that Seattle is one of the top 5 fastest growing cities in the US?
Of course, you didn’t that’s why you’re watching this video.
This fact doesn’t just mean that Seattle has a lot of opportunities for new residents. It also means you’ll get to meet a ton of new people.
Specifically, people who are also new to the area and are looking to meet new people.
This can help reduce one of the biggest pain points of moving to a new area–not knowing anyone.
And when you do run into some pretty cool people, I suggest heading to a coffee shop to get to know one another.
Speaking of coffee…
Reason 6, Coffee craze
In a city like Seattle, you’ll learn more about coffee than you can possibly imagine.
Like how the city is home to the first Starbucks ever.
Or how Seattle has the nation’s largest number of coffee manufacturers per capita.
That’s because Seattle consumes more coffee than any other city in the US. And it’s something that the residents take very seriously.
Fair warning–if you don’t like coffee, prepare to be ostracized and publicly shamed like Cersei in “Game of Thrones”.
Reason 5, Health culture
Health is a huge priority in Seattle.
So much so that you’ll see an endless supply of healthy food stores all over the city.
And if you’re into getting goods from local farmer’s markets, you’ll be in vegan heaven–which I hope isn’t a thing because I’ll be highly upset when I die.
Keep this in mind if you’re into a more KFC type of lifestyle. Remember that publicly shamed comment in the last point? Yep, same here.
Reason 4, Political activism
For all of my “woke” people out there, you’ll love this point.
Because Seattle is filled with an energy of political activism, making it the perfect place to have your voice heard.
We’re talking marches, rallies, or really anything that can bring attention to causes that you heavily support.
But if marching doesn’t sound like a fun time to you, don’t worry, because I’m about to share something I’m sure you’ll like.
Reason 3, Water activities
No, I’m not talking about dancing in the rain.
But rather kayaking, paddle boarding, or going on the city’s famous “ride the duck” tour.
Seattleites LOVE the water, so there really is an endless list of things you can do in the city.
But one of the favorite pastimes is getting on a landmark houseboat. These things are just as popular as that space needle that everyone loves so much.
Reason 2, Things to do
There’s a ton of things to do in Seattle when you’re not drinking coffee at a protest.
From visiting the popular Space Needle to visiting a couple of museums.
But beyond the typical things, you can also go hiking, kayaking, fishing or even rock climbing.
In short, Seattle is a place for people who prefer to be somewhat active and not couch potatoes like yours truly.
Ok folks, we’re about to wrap things up here.
Soon, you’ll learn the number 1 reason why people are moving to Seattle Washington.
But first, there’s something I must share with you.
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Best of all, this service is absolutely free!
Just check out the link in the description for more details.
Ok, now where were we.
Reason 1, Tech
Listen, I’m not usually a fan of hyperbole, but if you want to live life like Ironman, move to Seattle.
Because this city has tech giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Boeing–which employ over 160,000 residents.
And if that wasn’t enough, companies such as Google, Dropbox, and Apple have also established a presence there recently.
So if you’re interested in tech at all, you might want to consider the move.
And there you have it.
The top 10 reasons to move to Seattle Washington.
Until next time!